OMD's Journal: Powerlifting August '22—Busted Cycle, Weight Gain...
Hello! Here is August’s Powerlifting Journal. It’s out on a Monday on account for it being Labour Day, which is my extended Sunday.
What a rough month it was. It was poor expectation setting on my part. Training was subpar. I gained about 9 lbs and my sleep was mediocre.
A highlight for the month was the biking opportunities! I was biking around Vancouver on the 30-day bike sharing plan and it worked the kind of muscles I hadn't felt in a long time. I don't think I've ridden a bike for any extended period of time (10mins+) in eight years...the last time I remember riding a bike was crossing the Golden Gate Bridge.
August 2022 Highlight
Period Covered:
July 31 to September 3
Training Highlights:
Squat: 395lbs x 2 reps @ RPE 8
Bench Press: 255lbs x 2 reps @ RPE 8
2sec Pause + 300 Tempo Deadlift: 395lbs x 1 rep @ RPE 8
Daily average steps: ~12,643 steps
Daily Distance traveled: ~8.89km
Nutrition Highlights:
Daily average fast : ~16hrs (559.2 total)
Daily average calories burned: ~2,925kcal
Weight: 70kg to 73kg
Water consumption: 4-5L/day
Caffeine consumption: ~3 cups of coffee every day
Alcohol consumption: nine glasses of beer
Recovery Highlights:
Daily average sleep time: ~6h 49m
# of Sauna sessions: 0
Reflections are divided into the following:
Last Month’s Goals:
Complete the vertical pull/push and mobility/core accessories I’ve assigned myself for 3 of the 4 training days (includes deload days too) = completed on 10/15 mandatory days
Track weight every morning = 23/35 days tracked
Track # of meals eaten outdoors = 28/70 meals eaten out
The long term goal for training from the inaugural October 2021 Journal is attached at the bottom if you’d like a refresher on what the point of all this is.