Powerlifting Journal: Jan 2022 - Bread A Day Kept the Squat Away
Bench more, even if you don't like it.
The following is a powerlifting article for OMD Journal. None of this is health, nutrition, training advice.
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January 2022 Highlight
Training Period:
January 2 to January 29
Training Highlights:
Squat: 400lbs x 2 reps / 365 x 4 reps
Bench Press: 265lbs x 3 reps
Conventional Deadlift for 300 Tempo: 430lbs x 2 rep
Over Head Press (OHP): 115lbs x 8 reps
Chin-ups: 50lbs x 5 reps
Bodyweight Pull-ups: 560 total reps in month
Daily average steps: ~8,906 steps
Nutrition Highlights:
Daily average fast: ~16.7hrs
Daily average calories burned: ~2,777kcal
Alcohol consumption: zero
Recovery Highlights:
Daily average sleep time: ~6h 50m
Reflections are divided into the following:
The long-term goal for training from the inaugural October Journal is attached at the bottom if you’d like a refresher on what the point of all this is.
Period covered
January 2 - January 29
January Training Schedule:
Sunday - Cardio/Pull
Monday - Day 1
Competition Squat; top set of 2 @ RPE 8; ~5 work sets
Close Grip Bench; top set of 5 @ RPE 9; ~4 work sets
Single-leg RDL; 3x10 @ RPE 8 max
Weighted Chins; 3 set for ladder up to 5 reps max per set
Tuesday - Day 2
Competition Bench; top set of 3 @ RPE 9; ~5 work sets
High-bar Squat (switched halfway from Front Squat); top set of 5 @ RPE 9; ~4 work sets
OHP; 3 sets for ladder up to 8 reps
Monster walks; 3x15
Wednesday - Cardio/Pull
Thursday - Day 3
Conventional Deadlift 300 Tempo; top set of 2 @ RPE 9; ~6 work sets
Feet-up Bench; top set of 5 @ RPE 9; ~5 work sets
Single leg glute raises 3 x 10
Weighted Chins; 3 set for ladder up to 5 reps max per set
Friday - Cardio/Pull
Saturday - Day 4
Competition Squat; top set of 4 @ RPE 8; ~5 work sets
Paused (2-sec) Bench; top set of 4 @ RPE 9; ~4 work sets
OHP; 3 sets for ladder up to 8 reps
Reverse Lunge; 3 sets for ladder up to 10 reps
Exercise selection divided by movement patterns:
Day 1: Squat + Horizontal Push + Glute/Hamstring Accessory + Vertical Pull
Days 2 & 4: Squat + Horizontal Push + Glute/Hamstring Accessory + Vertical Push
Day 3: Hip Hinge + Horizontal Push + Glute/Hamstring Accessory + Vertical Pull
Cardio/Pull: Vertical Pull + Horizontal Pull + Shoulder Rotation + Cardio
To start, I would recommend reading the October Powerlifting Journal to get an understanding of movement patterns (e.g. vertical push, horizontal pull, hip hinge) and intensity measures (i.e. RPE). I explained my approach in depth in the inaugural issue and without the context, this might sound like a bunch of mumbo jumbo.
A Mental End
The month ended with a deload I didn’t want to take. But that seems to be the case with most deloads. They are the solution to moments of frustration from stalled progress.